With 2014 coming to an end it’s been really cool over the past couple of days to look back on all of the footage we recorded this year, Below are my five favorite tricks from 2014.
5. Lunarzilla, One of my favorite combos of the year. Spinning back on yourself and then launching a Godzilla out of it to finish the trick of just feels awesome and we have a lot of potential to link more tricks onto the end of the Godzilla.
4. The no paddle Tricky Whu. In my opinion one of the best ways to improve your kayaking is to go hand padlding for a couple of days, Me and my buddy Matt Anger originally started hand paddling this fall to improve our hand roll so we could throw our paddles on taller waterfalls and be a little bit more cnfident about hand rolling in the couldron below, By the end of the week, we could nail pretty much every hole move between us.
3. The Lunar Tricky Loop. This is a James “Pringle” Bebbington original. I always used to watch Pringles videos and be mind blown by the combos he threw but never thought I would ever be able to throw one, Pringle took me under his wing for the summer of 2012 and after seeing him throw them down every day and the occasional tip I started throwing some of the basics. This trick however was the bane of my life for that entire winter season. Feels so good to be able to stomp it on demand now. Thanks again Pringle!
2. The Panam. The biggest I have ever gone on a wave. Ever.
1. The Airscrew – Blunt – Mcnasty. The blunt was pretty lame and I would like the mcnasty to rotate more like a pistol flip but i’m still really happpy to land a 3 trick combo on a wave and stoked to build on this trick at next years Stakeout.
Thanks for reading,
See you on the water,
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