I’ve recently returned from a Team FIN pre-season training camp. The team continues show remarkable momentum, bolstered by their impressive results at the World Cup and World Championship in Columbus, USA.
Proud of what’s already been achieved, and building on their successes, the Team continues their upward trajectory, whilst developing depth of the Team. As part of this, the ADP programme has been supporting the team to refine the training practices of both individual athletes and the team as a collective.
The camp was a great success, with the team now looking ahead with anticipation to the summer training/competition season as they prepare for the ICF World Championships 2025 in Plattling, Germany (16th-21 June).
It’s a real pleasure to work with Team FIN and I would like to thank the athletes, the Finnish Freestyle Committee, coaches and the volunteers. Their work has not only made a big impact on strengthening Finland’s presence on the internation stage, but also facilitated the growth of their own domestic competition series; that’s now supported by an impressive inhouse developed judging and scoring system with a fully integrated livestream service.
Team FIN is poised to continue their upward trajectory.
FIN Freestyle Kayaking Team – Suomen Freestylemelontamaajoukkue
Suomen Melonta- ja Soutuliitto ry

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